One of the overarching themes of hybrid work is the realization over the past year that different types of work are performed better in different environments. Even the most extroverted have expressed that there are some tasks they can accomplish best in a location separate from the office. In this blog we explain how we used time-tested research and our company culture to set forth the guidelines of our return to work. POE used the collaboration modes related to the Competing Values Framework to guide when work can be done remotely.
“Do” is related to a compete culture. A compete culture must support workers as they drive to complete tasks quickly. They do something specific like choose an idea, deliver a result, and drive to a decision. This type of work is most effective when distractions are kept to a minimum and members can take control of their days. In our hybrid framework, “do” activities can be completed remotely. Some examples of “do” work include focus work, quality reviews and decision making – work that can be completed anywhere, and anytime.

“Inform” is related to a control culture. In a control culture, information may be most often delivered in a scheduled meeting or formal presentation – informing one another by giving and gathering information, providing structure, and sharing expertise on a particular subject. “Inform” work is most effective when we share information synchronously and place priority on scheduling group meetings. The timing of these informational meetings is important, but the information can be received anywhere. In our hybrid framework, “inform” activities can be completed remotely. Some examples of “inform” work include team meetings, dealer connects, professional development and training.
It is up to each individual member to decide when and where they perform these types of collaboration modes. Additionally, POE took into consideration our own collaborative culture type, requesting that every member put on their calendar the times they are working remotely. This ensures that team members know how to best reach one another when we are not physically together.